Shared Tab: Collaboration

Screenshot and Field Descriptions: Collaboration Tab



SMTP Server Settings

From: this is the sender's email address (only visible for the User application).


Server: this is the address of the SMTP server. It may be entered as a DNS lookup name, eg. "", or an IP address, eg. "".


Port: this is the number of the communication channel used by the mail server to accept incoming email connections. The standard port number for SMTP email is 25. However, you should check with your IT department, in case they have changed the default port number to something else, for security purposes.


Delay (Seconds): when the system is sending bulk emails, it is essential that you put a delay of some sort between each email being sent. The delay you use depends largely upon how your email server has been configured to handle DOS (Denial-of-Service) attacks, or spam email flooding. Often if a server detects a large number of emails coming from a single IP address, or computer, in a very short timespan, that computer will be "blacklisted", as the server interprets this as either a DOS attack, or a bulk spamming application at work. Setting a delay value here puts a pause between each email sent in a bulk email sequence, which is usually enough to convince the email server that the incoming stream of emails is legitimate traffic.


Username: some email servers will require you to login, while some email servers will use your network identity to verify that you're allowed to send emails. Generally, if you have an internal email server, you won't need to provide this. If you are a small business and all of your email is sent through your ISP (Internet Service Provider), then this is almost certainly a required field.


Password: this field will require your email service password, if you are supplying your email service user name as outlined above.


Confirm: this is to confirm the above Password.


E-Mail Signature: enter the information you require to be shown at the bottom of each email.

System Notifications (only visible for the User application)

Notify by E-Mail: tick to send warning notifications by E-Mail.


Notify by Message: tick to send warning notifications by Message.

Collaboration information entered on the Division will be used if no information is entered on the User.